Introduce yourself to the wild flora and fauna of Hornstrandir Nature Reserve
Hornstrandir is a magical place and we never get tired of telling people about its charm.
To introduce our guests to the area, is a feeling that is hard to explain but we have created this tour for this very purpose. One of Hornstrandir’s delights is the charming and elusive Arctic Foxes, which is highly likely to spot on this tour.
Hornstrandir Nature Reserve is one of the few places in the world where the fox can raise its young without fear of being prey to hunters. This makes the foxes friendly towards humans in many places, so they are easier to spot and get close to.
For years, an Arctic Fox family has had their den near our farmhouse in Kvíar and often you get a good chance to see them and take photos of the cubs when they venture out of the den in late June.
Remember that the arctic foxes are wild animals and it’s hard to make guarantees that you see them. Not to worry, there is plenty to see and enjoy in this isolated valley of Hornstrandir.